Monday 9 June 2014


Splash FM Broadcaster, Edmund Obilo, had recently disclosed a question that uncovered how the Alafin of Oyo, and the Oyo State Governor had professedly been imparting the cash fitting in with the state, under the appearance of fake contracts.

House of Rep member, Kamil Akinlabi uncovers this mystery on "dead center," a famous radio meeting project, tied down by Mr. Obilo.

The administration of the Ibadan-based Splash FM, had instantly a short time later let go one of their best telecasters, Mr. Edmund Obilo, on Friday on the solicitation of the Oyo State representative, Mr. Abiola Ajimobi.

Mr. Obilo has been reliably uncovering debasement, and the disappointment of administration to stop, or research that defilement in Oyo State, under the present organization. This has made Mr. Ajimobi and his associates to constrain the holder of the FM Station, Chief Adebayo Akande, to flame Mr. Obilo

In one occurrence, the representative had once undermined to force down the television pole of the radio station two years prior, yet couldn't attain its point due of the fast intercession of the

Mr. Obilo had tied down diverse projects, for example, "VOICES," "Pinpoint center," and "Budgetary Search Light." These were noted stages where activists and common natives are welcome to express their perspectives and conclusions on national inquiries.

As of late, Mr, Obilo draw an anger of the representative after the question that connected him and his wife to Mr. Mukaila otherwise known as Auxiliary, a famous National Union Of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) hooligan who is as of now standing trial for homicide and firearm running.

What's more, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of Finance as of late claims Oyo State government gained the colossal whole of 100 billion naira in 2013 of which there is no task in Oyo State to advocate the sum accepted.


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